Crayola Experience


General information

Orlando, United States

Program details

Embark on a picturesque adventure where colour, chemistry and digital technology come together to create a one of a kind family attraction that will take your vacation in Orlando, Florida, to a whole other level.

As you walk into Crayola Experience, you need only come with two things: a head full of imagination and a heart full of creativity. We provide the tools for your inspiration to take shape.

Enjoy our 25 hands-on attractions that will reawaken the child within you and bring a smile of delight to your children's faces. With playgrounds, birthday rooms, stages, factories, stores and workshops you are going to be spoilt for choice.

Join us on this fun filled day for the whole family and relish the thrill of colouring outside the lines! It is bound to be a day neither you nor your loved ones will ever forget.

Start/opening time

Times varies by season, please consult with the supplier.


Demonstrations and shows in English.