Eureka Skydeck 88 + The Edge Experience

General information

Melbourne, Australia

Program details

Nothing you have ever experienced will prepare you for the awe inspiring views from the highest viewing platform in the Southern Hemisphere at Melbourne’s iconic Eureka Tower.

Two dedicated lifts propel visitors to Level 88 in under 40 seconds–and only Skydeck 88 can give you the world's only “Edge Experience” – a switchable glass cube which slides 3 metres out from the building – with you inside!

A staff member will usher people into the Edge, explain the procedure, and makes sure special Edge booties are snapped onto each person’s shoes to prevent scratching of the glass. Apart from the unforgettable panorama, Skydeck 88 entertains the entire family with a host of activities and fascinating facts.

Follow the fun floor facts and wall displays; match the sounds to the Melbourne landmark or simply step on to the “Terrace” and expose yourself to the outside elements!