Hanging Bridges + Butterfly Garden + Hummingbird Garden with lunch


Informazioni generali

Monteverde, Costa Rica

Il programma nel dettaglio

Our specialized guides will provide an interesting tour and will answer all the questions regarding these beautiful creatures. Visitors will learn about the life cycle of butterflies and moths and will also learn many interesting facts about butterflies in general. They will also have as-close-as-you-can-get contact with butterflies as extravagant as the Mopho Peleides.

At our hummingbird garden, our visitors will observe more than 14 different species of humming-birds including a few species that are not commonly seen in other areas of Monteverde. At our garden, the relaxing waterfalls and the beautiful natural floral arrangements provide a perfect setting for natural photography lovers. The hummingbird garden is also a perfect picnic area.

At our restaurant El Jardín, our visitors can enjoy our exquisite meals in a rustic environment with beautiful views of main garden.

