Handmade Kathmandu in English

Informazioni generali

Kathmandù, Nepal

Il programma nel dettaglio

Your Kathmandu tour will start with a visit to the Seven Women headquarters in Kathmandu, where you will meet some of the women of Seven Women and hear the stories of how this social enterprise has made such a massive difference in Nepal. The group will learn about how Seven Women began and has grown from 7 women to now assisting more than 1,000 women. During this In Focus workshop, you will learn how to make a felt ball key ring by hand. You’ll have a producer assist you as you create and gain a better appreciation for the work that goes into creating handmade items. Alongside this, you’ll learn about the principles of fair trade and how fair trade products are made.

After the workshop, you’ll get to visit the Seven Women fair trade gift shop to see the whole range of handmade crafts produced by the women, which are then exported to support the enterprise. You’ll also get to take home the personal souvenirs you made during the workshop.