Glass-Bottom Boat Tour - with Transportation


Informazioni generali

Acapulco de Juárez, Messico

Il programma nel dettaglio

Admire the flora and fauna of the Mexican Pacific from a glass-bottom boat. Cross the bay until we arrive at La Roqueta Island, where you have free time to take part in water sports, taste a typical fish dish or relax on a nice sandy beach. According to the legend, La Roqueta Island was used as a former storage place of pirate treasure, where now you can find a zoo, a lighthouse, two fabulous beaches and snorkelling areas.

On our way back to Acapulco, be surprised by the enormous two tonne bronze statue lying amongst the rocks on the seabed. It’s Our Lady of Guadalupe, patron saint of fishermen. Every 12th December, fishermen and divers flock to the underwater chapel to honour the Virgin.


English, Spanish and French.